Check out Paul who got 8 listing appointments in his first week of joining...


All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.

Check out Paul who got 8 listing appointments in his first week of joining...
1. Cold Calling
2. Database Reactivation
Cold Calling

New Impressions

Qualified Appointments

YouTube Subscribers

Qualified Appointments

Added GCI

Qualified Appointments

New appointments
Qualified Leads
Listings Taken
Qualified Leads
Listings Taken
Listings Taken
Qualified Leads
In one week

Project Overview

So this case study is way to new to see the long term returns but I had to put it on here because of the speed to value. We took Paul on and launched his cold calling campaign just 5 days later. After just one week of cold calling, we got him 8 qualified seller appointments.

But that's not all, we also got 29 qualified seller leads who will be turned into bookings over time. We are playing the long term game with nurturing and it's definitely looking bright.

Project Example

Paul is so new that I haven't even asked for a testimonial yet, but for now, below is a spreadsheet of the data we've gotten as of now.

Project Results

Below are the current statistics from our cold calling campaign. Looking forward to the future of working with Paul.

  • Timeframe | 7 days
  • Qualified Appointments | +8
  • Qualified Leads | +29
  • Conversion Rate | +78.81%