Here is Gabriel, who picked up 5 new listings in 3 months as a brand new agent...


All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.

Here is Gabriel, who picked up 5 new listings in 3 months as a brand new agent...
1. Database Reactivation
2. Cold Calling Expired's

New Impressions

Qualified Appointments

YouTube Subscribers

Qualified Appointments

Added GCI

Qualified Appointments

From cold calling
Qualified Leads
Listings Taken
Qualified Leads
Listings Taken
Listings Taken
Qualified Leads
Over 3 months

Project Overview

Gabriel joined us in May after he had his real estate license for only 2 weeks. Knowing our track record, he signed up with no previous systems or infrastructure in place. But using all of the email and sms templates along with our long term nurture systems, we had everything in place needed to win.

We started by cold calling FSBO and expired properties within his service area and later on went into circle prospecting along with calling up some of his previous data base (SOI). We ran this campaign for a little under 3 months before getting into YouTube ads but while we ran the cold calling, he managed to pick up 5 listings!

Video Testimonial

Below is a video testimonial from Gabriel. We are currently venturing into paid ads along with b2b partnerships while keeping up with the cold calling. Recently, Gabriel hired his first TC and is ready to scale even further.

Project results

Over the course of the last 3 months, it's safe to say Gabriel has seen substantial success for being a new agent. But we aren't looking at slowing down anytime soon, here are the results we've generated so far.

  • Booked Appointments | +31
  • Qualified Leads | +104
  • Listings Taken | +5
  • Extra GCI | +$31,000