Check out Gagan's YouTube Ad and the growth of his YouTube channel to 1.2k subscribers...


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Check out Gagan's YouTube Ad and the growth of his YouTube channel to 1.2k subscribers...
1. YouTube Ads
2. ISA Team

New Impressions

Qualified Appointments

YouTube Subscribers

Qualified Appointments

Added GCI

Qualified Appointments

Organic audience
Qualified Leads
Listings Taken
Qualified Leads
Listings Taken
Listings Taken
Qualified Leads
New qualified leads

Project Overview

We started working with Gagan while he had already built up a decent YouTube audience but we wanted to grow even further. The project was going to be tailored onto YouTube ads that where meant to attract relocation buyers into the Denver area.

We split tested multiple ads using different creatives, hooks, and editing styles, and then took the winners and scaled them. In return, this generated us many qualified buyer leads who joined the course.

Project Example

Below is an example of one of the ads we ran that generated tons of qualified buyer leads. The funnel was the ad, then sending traffic to a landing page that allowed the leads to join the free course.

Project Results

Below are the results generated whilst running these ads. Like stated above, Gagan already had some YouTube presence but this ad was definitely a positive factor for converting those people into qualified buyer leads.

  • YouTube Subscribers | +1,240
  • Qualified Buyer Leads | +21
  • Conversion Rate | +12.91%
  • New Views | +72,701