Then Chase, who got 3 listings in his first 60 days, while working less than before...


All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.

Then Chase, who got 3 listings in his first 60 days, while working less than before...
1. Cold Calling
2. B2B Partnerships
Cold Calling

New Impressions

Qualified Appointments

YouTube Subscribers

Qualified Appointments

Added GCI

Qualified Appointments

New seller appointments
Qualified Leads
Listings Taken
Qualified Leads
Listings Taken
Listings Taken
Qualified Leads
New listings

Project Overview

We started with Chase with a simple plan, get business in ASAP. When we started, we where specifically doing cold calling in a large variety of cities. 60 days later, we had picked up 3 new listings and sold 1 already.

As of this article, he has now sold 2 of the 3, whilst also picking up 1 more. But now, our goal is to get more into b2b partnerships so he can start to become a market leader.

Video Testimonial

Below is a video testimonial that Chase left for us. We are currently still working with him and are looking forward to a long partnership that benefits both parties.

Project Results

Here are the results that this campaign has generated so far. Now obviously these stats are still currently growing and will be updated again in the future.

  • Timeframe | 60 days
  • Qualified Appointments | +14
  • Listings Taken | +3
  • Extra GCI | +$21,500